Tag Archives: poetry

Happy.. Halloween.

It’s real..

I try so hard to ignore it – to convince myself that

it doesn’t exist,

but it won’t leave me alone.

I stay busy, so there won’t be any time left for it to steal.

Staying busy won’t help.

It latches onto me and starts to eat away at my stomach..

and then my mind.

It follows me everywhere and hides in shadows. It’s hard to see because I keep it away from the light.

We’ve locked eyes a few times, and I tried to talk with it.

It scared me so much that my body froze

and it burned my eyes.

I had to look away.

it was hard to breathe.

I ran away,

fast and far.

It floats beside me with a firm grip on my shoulders.

I’m afraid to hold its hand.

Its grip is so strong

that it leaves bruises,

scratches on my skin.

I don’t want to hold its hand, so I grab it by the wrist with both my hands.

I struggle to tear its dark claws off me.